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    2 Day Safari Adventure in Murchison Falls National Park

    2 Days


    Embarking on a two-day safari at Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda offers an unforgettable experience filled with awe-inspiring landscapes, diverse wildlife, and the mesmerizing power of the Nile River. This journey promises both adventure and tranquility, making it a perfect escape for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

    Tour Highlights

    • Day 1: Pick up and transfer to Murchison falls National Park, visit to the top of the falls and afternoon boat cruise on River Nile
    • Day 2: Morning game drive and departure

    Day to Day Detailed Itinerary

    The adventure begins early in the morning as we depart from Kampala, heading northwest towards Murchison Falls National Park. The scenic drive, taking approximately five to six hours, sets the stage for the adventure ahead with glimpses of rural Ugandan life and lush landscapes.
    Upon arrival at the park, the first stop is the visit to the top of Murchison Falls. Here, the Nile River explodes through a narrow gorge, creating one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world. The thunderous roar of the water and the misty spray provide a dramatic welcome. As we take in the breathtaking views and capture photographs, a sense of awe fills the air.
    After this exhilarating experience, we proceed to the lodge for check-in and a hearty lunch. Many lodges and camps within the park offer a blend of comfort and rustic charm, providing the perfect respite before the afternoon activities.
    In the afternoon, we embark on a boat cruise along the Nile River, departing from Paraa. This cruise is one of the highlights of the safari, offering a unique perspective of the park’s wildlife and landscapes. The boat glides silently past riverbanks teeming with hippos, crocodiles basking in the sun, and a plethora of waterbirds. The cruise culminates at the base of Murchison Falls, where the sight of the mighty river crashing down is both humbling and thrilling. Return to the lodge where you will check in for dinner and overnight stay.

    Day two begins with an early morning breakfast and thereafter, drive to the park for game drive, maximizing the chances of encountering predators returning from their night hunts. The cool morning air and the soft light of dawn enhance the experience, making the savannah even more picturesque. Birdwatchers are in for a treat as the park is home to over 450 bird species, including the rare shoebill stork.
    You will proceed and exit the park before noon and start your return journey back to Kampala. Enroute you will have stop for lunch at the kabalega dinners or in Masindi town. Embark on your journey with another stop over at the equator for photoshoot and stretching. Proceed to Kampala arriving in the evening, where the guide will drop you off either at the Entebbe airport for your departure flight or at your preferred drop off point. Marking the end of the 2 days safari,

    Tour Includes & Excludes

    The Tour Includes

    • Accommodation and meals
    • Car and fuel
    • Park entrance fees
    • Boat cruise
    • Top of the falls visit
    • Bottled drinking water during the trip

    The Tour Excludes

    • Insurance.
    • Visa fees.
    • Air ticket
    • Tips
    • All other items of personal nature

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    2 Day Safari Adventure in Murchison Falls National Park