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    Chimpanzee and Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda: A Guide to Booking Permits

    Chimpanzee and Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda: A Guide to Booking  Permits

    Chimpanzee and gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda offers an extraordinary experience, allowing visitors to observe these magnificent primates in their natural habitats. To ensure a seamless and memorable adventure, it’s crucial to understand the process of booking trekking permits.

    Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to secure your permits for both countries.

    1. Understanding the Trekking Experience

    Before diving into the booking process, it’s essential to understand what chimpanzee and gorilla trekking entails.
    Chimpanzee Trekking: Typically involves tracking smaller groups of chimpanzees in forests like Kibale National Park (Uganda) and Nyungwe Forest (Rwanda). Treks are usually shorter and less strenuous compared to gorilla trekking.

    Gorilla Trekking: Involves navigating dense forests to find one of the world’s few remaining mountain gorilla families. Popular locations include Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda, and Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. Treks can last several hours and require a moderate level of fitness.

    2. Booking Permits in Uganda

    Uganda offers both chimpanzee and gorilla trekking opportunities in various national parks. The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) manages the permit issuance.

    Gorilla Trekking Permits

    Choose Your Park: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is the most popular, offering multiple trailheads for example Rushaga, Ruhija and Nkurigo sectors. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is another option but with fewer gorilla families.

    Booking Process:

    Direct Booking: You can book directly through the UWA by contacting them via email or phone. Their official website provides up-to-date contact information.

    Travel Agencies: Many travellers prefer booking through local travel agencies or tour operators who can handle the entire process, including booking flights, accommodation and transportation for the entire tour.

    Cost: As of 2024, the cost for a gorilla trekking permit in Uganda is USD 800 for foreign non-residents, USD 700 for foreign residents, and UGX 300,000 for East African citizens.

    Advance Booking: Permits are limited to ensure the conservation of the gorillas and provide a better experience. It’s advisable to book at least 6 months in advance, especially for peak seasons (June-September and December-February).

    Chimpanzee Trekking Permits

    Popular Locations: Kibale National Park is renowned for chimpanzee trekking. Other locations include Kyambura Gorge and Budongo Forest.

    Booking Process:

    Direct Booking: Similar to gorilla trekking permits, you can book directly through the UWA for Kibale National Park and Kyambura Gorge. For Budongo Forest chimpanzee trekking permits, you will need to write an email to Uganda lodges requesting for a chimpanzee trekking permit.

    Travel Agencies: Many tour operators offer combined packages for gorilla and chimpanzee trekking.

    Cost: The cost for a chimpanzee trekking permit in Kibale National Park is USD 250, USD 100 in Kyambura Gorge and USD 130 in Budongo Forest. Prices can vary slightly for other locations like Ngamba Island.

    3. Booking Permits in Rwanda

    Rwanda is primarily known for its gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park. The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) oversees permit issuance.

    Gorilla Trekking Permits

    Booking Process:

    Direct Booking: Permits can be booked through the RDB’s website or by contacting their office directly.

    Travel Agencies: Many visitors opt to book through local or international tour operators who provide comprehensive packages.

    Cost: The cost for a gorilla trekking permit in Rwanda is USD 1500, making it a more premium experience compared to Uganda.

    Advance Booking: Given the high demand and limited permits, it’s crucial to book well in advance, preferably 6-12 months before your intended visit.

    Chimpanzee Trekking Permits

    Popular Location: Nyungwe Forest National Park is the main destination for chimpanzee trekking in Rwanda.

    Booking Process:

    Direct Booking: Permits can be booked through the RDB.

    Travel Agencies: Combined trekking packages are available through various tour operators.

    Cost: The cost for a chimpanzee trekking permit in Nyungwe Forest is USD 90.

    4. Important Tips for Trekking

    Physical Fitness: Both chimpanzee and gorilla trekking require a good level of fitness. Prepare accordingly.

    Packing Essentials: Include sturdy hiking boots, rain gear, insect repellent, and sufficient water.

    Respect the Rules: Follow guidelines provided by your guides to ensure the safety and preservation of the primates and their habitat.

    Health Precautions: Ensure you’re up-to-date with necessary vaccinations and health precautions. Some parks may require proof of yellow fever vaccination.


    Booking chimpanzee and gorilla trekking permits in Uganda and Rwanda requires planning and foresight, but the reward is an unforgettable encounter with some of our closest animal relatives. By understanding the booking processes, costs, and preparation needed, you can ensure a successful and enriching trekking experience.

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